The Trick to Tying the Perfect Bow for your Dirndl Apron
If I had a dollar for every time someone said, "I need to learn how to tie a bow like that!" or "You tie the most perfect bows", or even "How did you tie your apron?" I'd have like... a lot of dollars. The bow in your apron is what pulls everything together and sets off your beautiful dirndl dress.

When it comes to tying a bow in your dirndl, there's no one-size-fits-all approach or technique and while it feels challenging right now, it's not as hard as it looks. I'm going to teach you how to tie the perfect apron bow and the trick so you can tie it perfectly every single time. So whether you're looking at the Black Lace Apron, Crystal Magic Apron, or any of our other fantastic apron styles it's all the same steps.
And whether you are tying it for yourself or someone else it'll always look perfect! With a few simple steps, you can tie your dirndl apron like a pro and have a beautiful bow adorning your Rare Dirndl apron in no time!
So here we go... This is kinda hard to describe in words, but I'll do my best:

Step 1. Start by taking the two ties and crossing them over each other. Make sure that you cross them at your dirndl dress's waistline. I like to go left over right, but it's really up to you and what your hands feel most comfortable doing.
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Step 2. Start your knot by bringing the right tie over and around the left side. It'll be like the start of a knot. You want this part to be firm, but neat.
OK people here it is... pay attention!!!!
The big Rare Dirndl dress apron trick is to start forming the bow at the bottom of whichever tie is naturally hanging down. This keeps the bow uniform, and it's a really easy way to make sure your apron bow is always perfect.
Step 3. Use that bottom tie to make the loop
Step 4. Take the top tie and cross it over the loop you just made (with the bottom tie).
Step 5. Finally, bring the top tie around and tuck it in between the loop you made and form a bow. Pull everything tight, but be careful not to pull too hard or you'll end up with a lumpy bow.
BOOM! There you have it! Wasn't that easy? A perfectly tied dirndl apron bow to adorn your Rare Dirndl dress. Now the only thing left is to go show off your amazing ability to tie a beautiful bow!
Ok... ok... I understand that I do make it seem easy, but the good news is, a while back I made an inferior quality YouTube video on how to do it that might be easier to understand. You can check that out here:
Once you've got the hang of it, tying your apron bow will become routine and automatic - no more struggling to get it just right!
So no matter where you go - whether it's to Oktoberfest, a beer festival or a German-themed event - or where you tie your bow like the left side or the right side (hint: where you tie your bow shows off your relationship status) or how you wear your dirndl dress, you can always look your best with the perfect dirndl apron bow!
Oh and if you're wondering about how to tie a bow for any other garment, the steps are pretty much the same. Just remember to make sure you start forming the bow at the bottom of whichever tie is naturally hanging down and everything should turn out great!
I hope this helps you tie a splendid bow and remember... practice makes perfect. I tie a crap-ton of bows on the daily, so naturally, I would be rather good at it. Don't get discouraged! Just keep tying!
From the moment that I ordered my dirndl until I received it, Erika was the most professional. It arrived promptly and was tastefully wrapped, so I knew that great care was taken with my purchase. On the website, the dirndl was absolutely beautiful. However, when I received it and took it out of the box, I marveled at how much more gorgeous it was in person. I could not wait to wear the dirndl after seeing it and wore it to work immediately. I received so many well-deserved compliments. - Cat Slade
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